
Warum Sie einen 4K-Projektor mit Dolby Vision benötigen

Warum Sie einen 4K-Projektor mit Dolby Vision benötigen

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-09 

4K-Projektor-Technologie mit einem erstaunlichen Upgrade

Projektoren haben sich im Laufe der Jahre stark verändert: von sperrigen Geräten, die bei offiziellen Anlässen oder großen Versammlungen unscharfe Bilder erzeugen, hin zu tragbaren Geräten mit einer Anzeigequalität, die den Fernseher zu Hause ersetzen kann. Mit der Einführung der 4K-Technologie in tragbaren Projektoren sind Projektoren zu zuverlässigen Geräten für die Anzeige verschiedener Inhalte geworden, und viele Menschen finden sie hervorragend. XGIMI findet ständig neue Wege, um sicherzustellen, dass sie den Nutzern die bestmögliche Qualität bieten, indem sie mit jeder neuen Version neuere, innovative Technologien einführen.

Der brandneue XGIMI HORIZON Ultra bietet unglaubliche Funktionen, die noch nie zuvor in einem 4K-Weitwinkelprojektor zu sehen waren. Dazu gehört die Dolby Vision-Technologie, die die HDR-Qualität (High Dynamic Range) verbessert und für eine atemberaubende Qualität sorgt. Ein Dolby Vision-Projektor bietet eine bessere Farbgenauigkeit, Helligkeit und Kontrast. Im Folgenden erhalten Sie einen detaillierten Einblick, wie Dolby Vision die Fähigkeiten eines Projektors auf eine Weise verbessert, die Sie sich nicht vorstellen können.

Teil 1. Dolby Vision HDR

Dolby Vision HDR ist eine verbesserte Version des Standard HDR 10:

1. Metadaten
Dolby Vision HDR verbessert die Metadaten, um dem Betrachter die bestmögliche Form von Medieninhalten zu bieten. Ob Sie nun spielen, Dias präsentieren oder einen Film mit Freunden ansehen – dank der dynamischen Metadaten erhalten Sie eine verbesserte und flüssige Darstellung. Nachdem Sie die gewünschten Medien von der Quelle übertragen haben, kümmert sich der Projektor um den Rest.

2. Helligkeit
Der XGIMI HORIZON Ultra mit Dolby Vision bietet mit 2300 ISO-Lumen ein Höchstmaß an Helligkeit. Außerdem verfügt er über die innovative Dual-Light-Technologie, die sowohl LED- als auch Laser-Lichtquellen kombiniert, um ein geniales Kinoerlebnis zu gewährleisten. Diese neue Dual-Light-Ansicht bietet Ihnen ein natürliches Farbspektrum, ultrahohe Helligkeit und eine große Farbskala für alles, was Sie gerne sehen!

3. Farbtiefe
Mit einem Dolby Vision-Projektor erleben Sie Farben auf eine ganz neue Art. Sie bieten eine größere Farbtiefe, sodass Sie verschiedene Schattierungen, Töne und Helligkeitsstufen leicht wahrnehmen können. Egal, ob Sie eine dunkle Filmszene oder eine Fernsehsendung mit maximaler Sonneneinstrahlung ansehen, Sie erhalten lebensechte Farben wie nie zuvor.

Der fantastische Kontrast, den Dolby Vision bietet, erleichtert auch die Wahrnehmung von lebensechten Bildern. Sie werden die Details von hellen oder dunklen Farben und alle Schattierungen dazwischen bei Ihren Lieblingssendungen, Spielen und Filmen genießen.

4. Dynamische Anpassungen
Herkömmliche Projektoren haben mit dem Umgebungslicht zu kämpfen, das die Bildqualität beeinträchtigt. Auch Wand- und Hindernishintergründe können die Bildqualität beeinträchtigen. Der HORIZON Ultra ist mit der neuesten Intelligent Screen Adaptation (ISA) 3.0 mit Intelligent Wall Color Adaption ausgestattet, die sich automatisch an Ihre Sichtverhältnisse anpasst. Außerdem erhalten Sie einen Megapixel-CMOS, Lichtsensormodule und 3D ToF.

ISA 3.0 ermöglicht dem Projektor eine intelligente Steuerung der Bildschirmausrichtung und der dynamischen Anpassung von Bildschirmfarbe, Helligkeit und Kontrast. Dynamische Anpassungen sorgen für unglaubliche Klarheit bei unterschiedlichen Umgebungsbedingungen oder Umgebungslicht. Das bedeutet, dass Sie immer die beste Ansicht erhalten, wenn Sie den Projektor mittags oder um Mitternacht verwenden. Tagsüber wird die Helligkeit optimiert, und Sie erhalten auch bei dunklen Filmszenen eine verbesserte Farbdarstellung. Alle Änderungen erfolgen automatisch, sodass Sie sich zurücklehnen, entspannen und genießen können, ohne einen Finger krumm zu machen.

5. Anpassungsfähigkeit der Anzeige
Zusätzlich zu den dynamischen Anpassungen und der Wandfarbenanpassung bietet ISA 3.0 auch einen unterbrechungsfreien Autofokus, automatische Trapezkorrektur und intelligenten Augenschutz. Sie erhalten außerdem eine intelligente Bildschirmausrichtung und Hindernisvermeidung mit Adleraugen-Anpassungsfähigkeit. Genießen Sie eine klare Sicht ohne Unterbrechung durch Hindernisse, Unschärfe und instabile Ausrichtung. Ihre Sicht bleibt kristallklar, während sie sich automatisch an die Veränderungen in Ihrer Sichtumgebung anpasst und Ihre Augen vor Ermüdung durch Lichtquellen schützt.

6. Lizenzvergabe und Umsetzung
Mit HORIZON Ultra brauchen Sie keine spezielle Lizenz zu erwerben oder sich um einen Implementierungsprozess zu kümmern, wenn Sie das offizielle Dolby Vision verwenden. Nach dem Kauf haben Sie vollen Zugriff auf die Dolby-Technologie und andere spannende Funktionen, die HORIZON Ultra zu einer lohnenden Investition machen.

Teil 2. Was können Sie vom HORIZON Ultra erwarten - einem 4K-Projektor mit Dolby Vision?

1. Verbesserte visuelle Qualität

A. Detaillierte Bilder und außergewöhnliche Klarheit mit 4K-Auflösung

Der Dolby Vision-Projektor bietet Ihnen exzellente und beeindruckende Bilder mit 4K-Auflösung in Ihrem Wohnzimmer oder Heimkino. Mit einer 4K-Qualität erhalten Sie eine detaillierte und präzise Ansicht, die jede Filmszene oder jedes Spielerlebnis unvergesslich macht. Mit der 4K-Ansicht des HORIZON Ultra können Sie sich das Kino ganz einfach und bequem nach Hause holen. Gepaart mit Dolby Vision ist Ihnen ein kristallklares Seherlebnis zu jeder Tageszeit sicher.

B. Die dynamischen Metadaten von Dolby Vision für optimierten Kontrast, Helligkeit und Farbgenauigkeit

HORIZON Ultra optimiert seine Metadaten, um Helligkeit, Farbtiefe und Kontrast zu verbessern. Diese drei Merkmale wirken sich positiv auf die visuelle Qualität einer projizierten Leinwand aus. Durch die Optimierung jedes einzelnen Merkmals bietet Dolby Vision eine außergewöhnliche, filmische Qualität. Sie werden den Kontrast der Beleuchtung, die Farbnuancen und die Helligkeitsstufen schnell bemerken und noch tiefer in Ihre Lieblingsfilme, Fernsehsendungen und Videospiele eintauchen.

C. Erweiterter Farbraum und erhöhte Tiefe für lebensechtere Bilder

Die Fähigkeit, eine breitere Palette von Farben auf dem Bildschirm zu sehen und zu erkennen, macht die Darstellung realistischer. Mit Dolby Vision erhalten Sie eine höhere Farbtiefe, sodass Sie jedes Detail, jede Emotion und jede dargestellte Szene voll genießen können. HORIZON Ultra ist einfach eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für ein vollwertiges Kinoerlebnis.

D. High Dynamic Range (HDR) für verbesserten Helligkeits- und Kontrastumfang

HORIZON Ultra mit Dolby Vision verwendet HDR10 und HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma), um den Kontrastumfang und die Helligkeit Ihres Bildes weiter zu verbessern. Diese HDR-Formate sind der aktuelle Hollywood-Industriestandard und bieten Ihnen die beste verfügbare Bildqualität.

2. Immersives Heimkino-Erlebnis

Sie brauchen nicht ins Kino zu gehen, um ein beeindruckendes Kinoerlebnis zu genießen, wenn Sie es zu Hause schaffen können. HORIZON Ultra mit Dolby Vision ist alles, was Sie brauchen, um das Kinogefühl in Ihr Wohn- oder Schlafzimmer zu bringen. Dank seiner extremen Helligkeit, Farbtiefe und seines Kontrastverhältnisses werden Sie mit Sicherheit einen spektakulären Anblick genießen. Dieser Dolby Vision-Projektor verfügt außerdem über die Dual-Light-Technologie (Laser + LED), damit Sie ein hochwertiges Bild genießen können, ohne Ihre Augen zu belasten.

All dies wird auf einem Bildschirm mit einer Größe von 40 bis 200 Zoll angezeigt, passend zu Ihrer Raumgröße und der Anzahl der Zuschauer, die Sie unterhalten möchten. Der HORIZON Ultra bietet auch einen sanften Bewegungsübergang mit den weltbekannten integrierten Harman Kardon Lautsprechern. Sie können den Projektor problemlos mit Dolby Atmos verbinden und mit integriertem dreidimensionalem Audio kombinieren. Genießen Sie bei jeder Vorführung Ihrer Lieblingsfilme das Kinofeeling, das Sie verdienen.

3. Verbessertes Spielerlebnis

HORIZON Ultra mit 60 Hz, unglaublichen Bildwiederholraten und einer Latenzzeit von 18 ms bietet Gamern ein unvergessliches Spielerlebnis. Sie können Videospiele mit hoher Grafikqualität spielen und eine realistische und detaillierte Ansicht auf Ihrem Bildschirm ohne Unschärfen oder Verzögerungen genießen. Nichts ist ärgerlicher als eine Eingabeverzögerung, wenn man mit Freunden in seine Lieblingsspiele eintaucht. Mit HORIZON Ultra ist die Verzögerung bei der Eingabe sehr gering, so dass Sie sofort und in Echtzeit auf Ihre Spielhandlungen reagieren können.

Spielszenen sind in der Regel lebhaft und wechseln schnell, aber dank Dynamic HDR und Dolby Vision entgeht Ihnen nichts. Dank hoher Bildraten können Sie realistisches Gaming mit fließenden Übergängen Ihrer Bewegungen genießen. HORIZON Ultra liefert ein flüssiges, visuell ansprechendes und reaktionsschnelles Gameplay. Wenn Sie ein Gamer sind, ist dies der richtige Projektor für Sie.

4. Vielseitige Konnektivität und Inhaltsoptionen

Egal, ob Sie ein Gamer sind oder einen Filmabend planen, XGIMI HORIZON Ultra ist mit verschiedenen Mediengeräten oder Inhaltsquellen kompatibel. Dazu gehören Spielekonsolen, Blu-ray-Player, Streaming-Geräte und Smartphones über die HDMI-, USB- und andere integrierte Anschlüsse. Sie können auch auf Dolby Vision-fähige Inhalte über Streaming-Plattformen und Ultra HD Blu-rays zugreifen. HORIZON Ultra ist auch mit intelligenten Heimsystemen und Sprachsteuerung kompatibel, die über Dienste wie Chromecast integriert sind, und bietet so zusätzlichen Komfort bei der Nutzung. Mit diesem intelligenten Projektor können Sie wirklich nichts falsch machen.

Teil 3. Letzte Erkenntnis

Ein Dolby Vision-Projektor ist das, was Sie brauchen, um Ihr Seherlebnis zu verändern. Von der Ultra-Helligkeit und der ISA 3.0-Technologie bis hin zu den intelligenten, dynamischen Anpassungen und den Anschlussmöglichkeiten bietet Ihnen der HORIZON Ultra mit Dolby Vision alles, was Sie brauchen, in einem schlanken, kompakten Design. Wenn Sie die Großartigkeit von Dolby Vision erleben möchten, sollten Sie ein visuell atemberaubendes und immersives Seherlebnis in Betracht ziehen, das Sie nie vergessen werden.


What Do You Need To Build Your Very Own Theater?

What Do You Need To Build Your Very Own Theater? 

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-12


Having a home theater is a beautiful addition to every home as it comes with certain benefits. Movie nights are never the same with a home theater in your home. Another perk you enjoy is that it transforms gaming experiences and makes building a home theater installation easy.

With home theaters, you get to get a cinematic movie viewing experience at all times quickly. One device that makes this possible is a home theater projector. If you are considering setting up a home theater, you can include a 1080p smart projector in your plans as it is pretty helpful in a home theater setup. Smart projectors come with high picture quality, top-notch sound, large screens, and multiple connection options, making them for home theater use. 

In this article, we will discuss the various things needed for a great home theater setup and use. We will also discuss XGIMI projectors like HORIZON Pro, AURA, and HORIZON and the fantastic features that make them ideal home theater projectors. 

What Is Needed For A Home Theater Installation? 

Setting a home theater up will require specific devices, factors, and conditions to make it functional. Each of these required items plays a role in building an authentic home theater experience. In setting up a home theater, the following would be needed:

Smart home projector

A smart home projector is an excellent addition to every home theater as it comes with unique features that transform movie experiences and make them memorable moments. Some of these features are: 

4K/1080p resolution: One thing that influences the viewing experience is the picture and video quality. Smart projectors come with 4K or 1080p resolution, so they project images and videos that are crystal clear, thus offering an immersive movie viewing experience that every home theater needs.
2000-2500 ANSI lumens: Smart home projectors often offer brightness levels in this range which make them fit for viewing in different light conditions. Therefore, this helps you enjoy movies in your home theater any time of day. 
Automated setup technology: This technology which includes autofocus, keystone correction, and screen alignment, simplifies the handling of the devices as it is automated, thus eliminating the need for manual adjustments during viewing, allowing you to be fully immersed in your movies or gaming sessions. 
Built-in speakers: To provide a great experience, these devices are designed with built-in quality speakers which produce rich and room-filling sound. Thus helping you save money on external sound systems for your home theater.
Large screen: Your home theater experience becomes even more exciting as smart projectors let you enjoy movies and games with large screens between 80-200 inches. So it would help if you had this to enjoy your home theater from every angle and corner of the room. 
Image enhancement technology: Smart projectors are pretty relevant as they have features like HDR10 and MEMC that enhance video and picture quality. HDR10 provides an excellent color ratio making pictures lifelike. At the same time, MEMC produces low image blur that makes fast-paced movies and games stay sharp which is necessary for a cinematic home theater experience. 
Multiple connectivity options: There are several connection options on smart projectors like HDMI, LAN, USB, audio, Bluetooth, and WiFi, and they allow you to use other devices like laptops and gaming consoles for an excellent home theater experience. 

Adequate room size 

In building your home theater, you would need a location within the home with a wide space as this would help optimize the setup and allow you to have a great audio experience. The room should be at least fifteen feet long and about ten feet wide.

Home theater furniture

To have a complete home theater experience, you need some furniture for the home theater room, like recliner chairs and sofas. They are ideal for a premium home theater experience as they provide comfort and put you in a relaxed mood even while enjoying an immersive viewing experience. 

External sound system 

For a home theater with an outstanding audio experience, having an external sound system will be required. You can utilize Hifi speakers and soundbars to provide top-notch sound to accompany your movies or games. Most smart projectors also come with top-quality built-in speakers for room-filling experience.

Streaming sources

Your home theater experience is incomplete without viewing content, and this is where streaming sources like TV sticks, Android TV an operating system that supports streaming sources like Google Play, Chromecast built-in, smartphones, and computers. Videos and movies obtained from these sources provide premium entertainment for viewers. 

You may be interested in : how to set up a home movie theater. 

Product Recommendations

XGIMI projectors are excellent for home theater use as they add color and spice to the movie-watching experience. XGIMI’s HORIZON Pro, AURA, and HORIZON are ideal for transforming your home theater experience with these unique features: 

XGIMI Horizon Pro (4K Home Projector)

4K UHD/2200 ANSI lumens displays crystal-clear pictures.
A large screen: with maximum 200 inches allows viewers to watch videos from any angle.
Intelligent Screen Adaption (ISA) technology (auto focus, auto keystone correction, intelligent screen alignment and intelligent obstacle voidance) makes the device easy to use and a great for setup.
MEMC provides a low latency for fast-paced movies, games, and sports.
HDR10 provides an impressive contrast ratio and makes the display sharp and clear
Dual 8W Harman Kardon speakers provide an exceptional audio experience and eliminate the need for an external sound system.
X-VUE 2.0 Image Engine provides picture clarity, making image quality displayed smoother lifelike.
Multiple ports: such as HDMI, USB, LAN and Headphone provide multiple connections for gaming consoles, laptops, and other devices.
Chromecast built-in allows viewers to cast their favorite content directly from their phones and smart devices.
Bluetooth/WiFi for advanced connections with other smart devices.
Android TV™ accesses over 5000 apps like HBO Max, Disney+, and Hulu for unlimited entertainment.

XGIMI AURA (4K Laser Projector)

4K UHD/2400 ANSI lumens provides a clear and sharp image and video quality.
Ultra Short Throw (UST) technology provides a 120″ screen when positioned 11.7 inches away.
X-VUE 2.0 Image Engine enhances color depth, thus producing sharp and crisp picture quality.
4*15W Harman Kardon speakers (two woofers and two tweeters) produce rich, room-filling sound and eliminates the need for an external sound system.
MEMC offers low latency rates, suitable for fast-paced movies and games.
Multiple ports offers viewers several connection options for gaming laptops or gaming consoles. (3× HDMI, 3× USB, 1× LAN, and 1× Headphone (3.55mm)).
Chromecast built-in gives your smartphones input in your home theater installation.
Bluetooth/WiFi provides advanced connectivity options for devices like tablets and smartphones.
Android TV™ provides easy access to over 5000 apps like Hulu, HBO Max, and Disney+ for nonstop entertainment.

XGIMI Elfin (1080p home projector)

1080p FHD/2200 ANSI lumens provides a crystal-clear display in brightly lit environments.
 ● Intelligent Screen Adaption (ISA) technology (autofocus, auto keystone correction, intelligent screen alignment, and obstacle avoidance) makes it easy to use and eliminating the need for manual adjustments.
Maximum 200 inches large screen allows viewers to watch videos from any angle and corner of the room.
MEMC delivers a super low latency with the lowest amount of image blur.
HDR10 provides an excellent contrast ratio.
Dual 8W Harman Kardon speakers produces top-notch audio quality, eliminating the need for an external sound system.
X-VUE 2.0 Image Engine enhances video quality display by producing clear and sharp color depth.
Multiple ports provides connection options for gaming consoles and laptops (2× HDMI, 2× USB, 1× LAN, and 1× Headphones (3.55mm)).
Chromecast built-in provides direct movie casting from smart devices.
Bluetooth/WiFi support smart devices like tablets and smartphones.
● Android TV™ gives easy access to over 5000 apps like HBO Max, Disney+, and Hulu for unlimited entertainment.


Home theater installation is definitely not complete without a smart projector, streaming sources, home theater furniture, and an external sound system. Smart projectors make home theater setup easy and more enjoyable as they provide clear displays, built-in speakers, large screens, and multiple ports. XGIMI projectors like HORIZON Pro, AURA, and HORIZON make a home theater installation better and more enjoyable. 


Casting Media Sources to Your XGIMI Projector

Casting Media Sources to Your XGIMI Projector

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-09

Screen-mirroring or casting your media sources via Google Chromecast Built-in is an absolute breeze. Undoubtedly, this expands your world of entertainment, allowing you to showcase your favorite apps, games, and more in a few simple steps. In this article, you’ll learn how to screen-mirror or cast from your Android/iOS smartphone, tablet, laptop, or PC to your XGIMI smart projector.

Mirroring Your Android And iOS Devices To Your XGIMI Projector

XGIMI smart projectors are installed with the Official Google Android TV system, allowing customers full access to the Google eco-system. Consequently, beneficial features like mirroring your Android and iOS devices directly to the projector screen are available.


Step 1: Download «Google Home» on your Android device and connect it to your projector using the same WiFi connection.

Step 2: On the Google Home app homepage, click the screen-mirroring button. Feel free to check out this video guide for further instructions: (LINK )


Step 1: Please install «MagiCast» app from Google Play Store or from Desktopmanager app, it’s a XGIMI self-developed tool.

Step 2: Start «MagiCast» on XGIMI.
Step 3: Open «Cast Screen» in any iPhone/iPad/Macbook and make sure its under the same wifi signal with the projector.

Wired & Wireless Computer Screen Mirroring

Projecting your PC or laptop content to your wireless smart projector is just as simple as doing so with your smartphone or tablet, and better yet, there are two ways of doing so.


Step 1: Connect your PC or laptop to your XGIMI projector under the same WiFi connection.

Step 2: Open Chrome Browser on your PC/laptop and click the «Customize & Control» button at the upper right corner of the page.

Step 3: Click «Cast» and then search for your XGIMI projector to mirror your PC/laptop screen.


XGIMI projectors come with two HDMI ports, simplifying PC/laptop screen mirroring via a wired connection. Simply connect your PC/laptop to your XGIMI projector using an appropriate HDMI chord, and the projector screen will automatically switch to the HDMI page.

Casting Your Devices Via Google Chromecast Built-in

Casting your favorite Android or iOS apps, videos, music, games, and more via Chromecast Built-in is an additional feature that simplifies the mirroring process tremendously.

Step 1: Ensure that your device and the XGIMI projector are connected to the same WiFi network.

Step 2: Launch the Chromecast-enabled app on the device.

Step 3: On the app screen, tap the Chromecast built-in icon.


How To Connect Your Smartphone to Your Projector?

How To Connect Your Smartphone to Your Projector?

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-8

We are well into the digital age, and as such, devices are increasingly smarter today than they were ten years ago. Projectors have not been left behind in this regard, and are better accepted now that manufacturers have thought it wise to incorporate smarter functions. Portable projectors come with built-in batteries, to ensure mobility and portability, and to serve as an alternative power source. Most projectors today have Android TV features to allow video streaming, Bluetooth to connect to local devices, and WiFi to connect to the internet.

Projectors that support smartphone connectivity have had greater appeal recently. Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to connect other devices in the home or office to a central point. If a projector supports a connection to your smartphone, the odds that you would purchase that projector are high. Most importantly, people love to have a variety of options at their fingertips.

Part 1. Why Should You Connect Your Phone To Your Projector?

Connecting your phone to a projector can have several benefits, including:

1. Convenience:
You can enjoy countless benefits by connecting your smartphone to a projector. Portable projectors can be used in various settings and scenarios. If you want to use your projector on a road trip, for instance, you will most likely be streaming pre-downloaded content, which you can store, to some extent, on your smartphone.

2. Sharing:
If you are in a setting where internet services are down, or if you have a slow connection, you can easily connect your smartphone to your projector to enjoy content already saved on your device. When you want to display files that are not on the internet— like photos and videos of your wedding— you can connect your phone to your projector in seconds.

3. Portability:
Many projectors are small and portable, making them ideal for presentations or entertainment on the go.

4. Enhanced Viewing Experience:
A projector can provide a larger and clearer image than your phone’s screen, allowing for a better viewing experience for movies, TV shows, or presentations.

5. Versatility:
 Projectors can display a variety of content, including photos, videos, presentations, and even games, making them a versatile tool for both work and play.

Part 2. Connecting Your Smartphone To Your Projector Via A Cable

You can try the following methods to connect your phone to projector.

Method 1. Via HDMI Cable
One of the most common smartphone–projector connections is a wired connection. Most projectors are fitted with an inbuilt HDMI port that allows for smartphones to connect to them, through an HDMI connector. Using an HDMI cable, connect your device to your projector and stream your desired content. HDMI connectors are the go-to options when transmitting digital content from a source (your smartphone) to a receiving display (your projector). In this way, you can connect your smarthphone to HDMI projector.

Method 2. Via a USB Type C connection
Another method is through an HDMI adapter and a USB Type C connection. If your phone has a USB Type C port, you can check if it supports screen casting to a projector through the HDMI adapter.

1. Check if your phone has a USB Type C port. Most newer smartphones, including many Android phones and some newer iPhones, have a USB Type C port.

2. Purchase an HDMI adapter that is compatible with your phone’s USB Type C port. You can find these adapters online or at most electronics stores.

3. Connect the HDMI adapter to your phone’s USB Type C port.

4. Connect an HDMI cable from the adapter to your projector’s HDMI port.

5. Turn on your projector and select the HDMI input source.

6. Your phone’s screen should now be displayed on the projector.

7. Depending on your phone’s settings, you may need to enable screen mirroring or a similar feature to display content on the projector.

Note: If your phone does not have a USB Type C port, you may need to purchase an adapter that is compatible with your phone’s port. Some phones may also require additional settings or apps to enable screen mirroring or display on a projector.

Part 3. Connecting Your Smartphone To Your Projector Wirelessly

A wireless smartphone–projector connection needs certain factors, features, and device specifications to become a reality. 

Method 1. Via Bluetooth
Firstly, and most importantly, the projector has to be smart— connect to WiFi, have Android TV features, Bluetooth, etc. A wireless connection needs advanced technology on both sides of the connection, and regular projectors do not possess the infrastructure to support such connections. With Bluetooth, you can easily stream audio content to the projector’s speakers, or from the projector to an external Bluetooth speaker.

1. Turn on your projector and enable Bluetooth on both your smartphone and the projector.

2. On your smartphone, go to Settings, then Bluetooth, and search for available devices.

3. Select your projector from the list of available devices.

4. Once your smartphone is connected to the projector via Bluetooth, you can use a compatible app or software to display content on the projector.

Note: Some projectors may require you to enter a PIN code to complete the pairing process. The specific steps for connecting via Bluetooth may vary depending on the projector model and smartphone operating system.

Method 2. Via Wi-Fi
On both ends of the connection, a WiFi-enabled device is also key, seeing as most wireless communication solutions need an equally wireless network. Using the projector’s Android TV features will require WiFi.

1. Make sure your projector and smartphone are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

2. On your smartphone, go to Settings and then select Display.

3. Look for the option to Cast or Screen Mirroring. This may vary depending on your phone model.

4. Select the name of your projector from the list of available devices.

5. Your phone’s screen should now appear on the projector.

6. If your projector doesn’t support wireless connectivity, you may need to use an adapter or cable to connect your phone to the projector.

Method 3. Chromecast
Chromecast is another feature that allows you to project from your smartphone to your projector easily. The device is integral to the Google ecosystem, which also has Android in its ranks, and gives you a one-click streaming option from top apps like Spotify or Netflix. You can also cast your Android device’s screen on your projector using the ‹Cast Screen› option in the Settings menu.

1. Connect your Chromecast device to your projector’s HDMI port.

2. Make sure your Chromecast device and your phone are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

3. Install the Google Home app on your smartphone if you haven’t already.

4. Open the Google Home app and select your Chromecast device from the list of available devices.

5. Select «Screen mirroring» from the options menu.

6. Your phone’s screen should now be mirrored on the projector via Chromecast.

7. To stop mirroring, simply tap the «Stop mirroring» button in the Google Home app.

Note: Some apps, such as YouTube, may have a built-in Chromecast button that you can use to directly cast content to your projector without mirroring your phone’s screen. To use this feature, open the app and tap the Chromecast button. Select your Chromecast device from the list of available devices and the content will be displayed on the projector.

Method 4. Via Video Streaming or Screen Mirroring
Projector manufacturers add video streaming or screen mirroring support to their devices. Before buying any projector, you need to confirm if it supports wireless screen mirroring. Also, you need to make sure that your device supports applications that allow you to connect to a projector.

1. Make sure your phone and projector are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

2. Install a video streaming or screen mirroring app on your phone. There are many apps available for both Android and iOS, including popular options like AirPlay, Miracast, and Google Home.

3. Open the app and select the projector as the display device.

4. Follow the app’s instructions to start streaming or mirroring your phone’s screen.

5. Depending on the app you’re using, you may need to adjust settings such as video quality or screen orientation to optimize the viewing experience.

6. Once connected, you should be able to display content from your phone on the projector, including movies, TV shows, photos, and presentations.

7. To stop streaming or mirroring, simply exit the app or disconnect from the projector within the app.

Note: The specific steps for connecting your phone to a projector through video streaming or screen mirroring may vary depending on the app you’re using and the type of projector you have. Make sure to consult the app’s instructions or online support resources if you encounter any issues.

Part 4. How to Connect Your Phone To Your Projector— Wireless Connection

Smart projectors like the XGIMI HORIZON Pro comes with 2 HDMI ports and other cable connection options. HORIZON Pro and other XGIMI projectors come with official Google Android TV™ systems, giving users full access to all that the Google ecosystem offers. The XGIMI HORIZON Pro goes one step further with the Chromecast built-in feature, allowing users to project their favorite content from any device. Also, XGIMI projectors support displays by screen mirroring apps on Android and iOS devices.

To connect your Android devices to your XGIMI HORIZON Pro, follow these following steps:
● Download and install ‹Google Home› from the Google Play Store and connect it to your projector via WiFi.
● From the homepage of Google Home, select the ’screen mirroring› option.

The following steps will help you connect your iOS devices to your projector:
● Download and install the AirScreen app from Google Play Store via the Android TV™ system.
● Launch the AirScreen app on your XGIMI HORIZON Pro.
●Connect via WiFi to any iOS-enabled device (iPhone, iPad, MacBook) and use the Airplay feature to mirror the screen.

The built-in Chromecast feature offered by XGIMI HORIZON Pro is an added advantage that streamlines the screen mirroring process, making it easier to cast all kinds of content from your smartphone to your projector. To use the Chromecast built-in, follow the instructions below:
● Connect your device and the XGIMI projector to the same WiFi network.
● On your device, launch the Chromecast-enabled app, and click on the Chromecast built-in icon.
●Select the correct XGIMI projector and start projecting your favorite content.

For excellent 4K displays and high-quality projecting from your phone, we recommend the XGIMI HORIZON Pro home projector. The HORIZON Pro features Intelligent Screen Adaptation (ISA) technology that helps you save time during setup with autofocus, auto keystone correction, auto screen alignment, and auto obstacle avoidance. The projector also features bright displays, up to 1500 ISO Lumens, supports 4K resolution, and is fitted with the X-VUE 2.0 image engine and MEMC, which sharpen your displays with lifelike resolution.

Part 5. Conclusion

Connecting your phone to your projector has numerous advantages, and helps you adapt to any kind of setting. If you are on a camping trip, internet connections can be tricky, so you can easily project your favorite shows and movies from your phone. If you need to project content that is not on the internet like family events, pictures, or saved presentations, a smartphone–projector connection is what you need.

You can easily connect wirelessly through screen mirroring apps or the ‹cast screen› feature on your Android or iOS devices. Also, the Chromecast built-in makes it easier to project your desired content straight from your Android device. The XGIMI HORIZON Pro supports screen mirroring and comes with the Chromecast built-in feature.

If you are not a fan of wireless connections, the XGIMI HORIZON Pro comes with 2 HDMI ports that you can use to connect your smartphone to your projector. If your smartphone/device has a USB-C port, you can use a USB Type C cable and an HDMI adapter to connect your device to your home projector.


How to Set Up a Projector When Camping

How to Set Up a Projector When Camping

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-07


Watching your favorite movies in a secluded spot far from home can be fun, especially with loved ones seated around a fire. Smart portable projectors offer a great deal of variety to a typical camping adventure, making camping movie nights possible and bringing the home or cinematic experience outdoors.

Creating a camping movie night with an outdoor projector is not as time-consuming and energy-sapping as perceived. Smart portable projectors are easy to set up, even when camping in remote areas, and have powerful features that simplify the process. From packing a built-in battery to ample internal storage space for you to save your favorite movies, camping projectors are perfect for the outdoor experience.

XGIMI Halo+ and MoGo 2 Pro are some of the best camping projectors that are easy to set up and truly make camping worthwhile. Paired with the XGIMI Portable Stand, they can offer an excellent viewing experience, saving users› time and energy with features that streamline setup. This article will explore those features in-depth, provide tips on setting up an outdoor projector, and recommend XGIMI camping projectors and a portable stand.

What is The Ideal Outdoor Projector?

Outdoor projectors that offer a hassle-free setup have unique features built for the occasion. When in search of a camping projector that is easy to set up, here are a few features you should take into consideration:

Built-in Battery: Since power sources may be unavailable on secluded camping sites, an ideal outdoor projector has a built-in battery that can provide at least two to four hours of power.
Easy Setup: Ideal outdoor projectors have automated features like auto focus and keystone correction, which ensure the projected image is crisp and sharp in seconds, without manual adjustments needed. You only have to sit back, relax, and enjoy your camping movie night.
Multiple Connectivity Ports: Variety is the spice of life, they say, and ideal outdoor projectors come with connection ports that support content streaming from multiple sources like HDMI, USB, LAN, and 3.5mm audio jacks. You can project movies you enjoy watching when camping through flash drives/laptops and connect headphones.
Ample Internal Storage: Ideal camping projectors also have large internal storage allowing users to download and save their preferred movies, music, or TV shows, for viewing when WiFi is unavailable.
Built-in Sound: Portable projectors have built-in speakers that supply clear and immersive sound during camping movie nights, helping you save money on external speakers and bringing a cinematic feel to your outdoor adventure.
Great Resolution/Brightness: Ideal portable camping projectors can project in native 1080p resolution, ensuring you watch your favorite movies in a crystal-clear display. With a brightness of 300–700 ISO lumens, you can enjoy digital entertainment in a bright, clear display and see and appreciate every detail during camping movie nights.

How to Set Up an Outdoor Projector

For a typical camping projector setup:

It would help if you had a portable projector with a built-in battery to support usage in settings where a power source is unavailable.
A projector screen for outdoor use or any suitable viewing surface like tent or car sides is essential.
A projector stand for mounting the projector to provide better stability.

Follow the steps below set up your camping movie projector:

Power on the projector, mark a good spot to set it up and mount it on a table or a stand.
Connect the outdoor projector to an external power source if available. Some excellent portable outdoor projectors have a built-in battery that can provide up to two hours of power if power is unavailable.
Set up the projector screen to face the projector, and focus the projected image on the screen. Advanced camping projectors have an auto focus feature that automatically produces a clear and sharp image.
Adjust the display until it aligns with the screen size. Some excellent outdoor projectors automated technology can fit the display to the screen automatically, saving you the time and effort of adjusting the display manually.
Connect your external speakers if the built-in speakers are not loud enough for an ideal viewing experience in noisy camping sites. Some camping projectors come with excellent built-in speakers, which provide rich and immersive sound in any camping setting.
Connect to the projector to stream your favorite movies or TV shows if WiFi is available. When WiFi is unavailable, connect your USB flash drive, laptop, or smartphone with pre-downloaded content via the HDMI port, or access your downloaded movies in the projector's internal storage.
Choose your preferred digital content (movies, TV shows, music, etc.) and enjoy.

What Are The Best Camping Projectors and Accessories That Ensure an Easy Setup?

XGIMI outdoor projectors and projector stands are some of the best devices that offer an easy setup when camping:

XGIMI Halo+ (1080p FHD Portable Projector)

XGIMI Halo+ is a powerful outdoor projector, and for a simplified setup, it has the following features:

Built-in battery: XGIMI Halo+ has a 59W built-in battery that provides about two hours of usage time, enough for at least one movie, and offers an alternative when external power sources are unavailable.
Max 200-inch Screen: Halo+ projects an image large enough to fill a 200-inch screen, ensuring you enjoy your preferred digital content on a widescreen display. Displays between 60 and 120 inches are ideal for maintaining the balance between screen size and image quality.
1080p Resolution/700 ISO Lumens: Halo+ projects images in 1080p FHD resolution, producing a clear and well-defined display with a brightness of 700 ISO Lumens, which ensures a bright output on camping movie nights.
Harman Kardon Sound: XGIMI Halo+ packs dual 8W built-in speakers from Harman Kardon, which create a cinematic experience with clear and rich sound on camping movie nights.
X-VUE 2.0 Image Engine: Users can enjoy a captivating display produced by the color revivification technology of the X-VUE 2.0 Image Engine to deliver richer, lifelike colors.
Intelligent Screen Alignment Technology: Setup is a breeze with the ISA Technology available on XGIMI Halo+. The auto focus feature ensures a clear display, and with intelligent screen alignment, the display automatically fits the screen size. In addition, obstacle avoidance rescales the image to avoid objects in the projection area, and auto keystone correction produces a rectangular image fast and easy.
2GB/16GB Storage Space/Multiple Connectivity Options: XGIMI Halo+ has 16GB of internal storage for users to download their preferred digital content for offline use. The outdoor projector also has 2× USB for flash drives, 2× HDMI for laptops/smartphones, 1× LAN, and 1× 3.5mm audio jack for headphones, etc.

XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro (1080p FHD Portable Projector)

Another portable camping projector from XGIMI, MoGo 2 Pro has several features that streamline setup immensely:

Hollywood-Standard Visuals: With 400 ISO lumens, integrated D65 color temperature standard adopted by Hollywood, and a 90% DCI-P3 color gamut, all colors are restored in brilliant, lifelike detail.
Seamless Setup, Smart Projecting in a Snap: Our new ISA 2.0 technology ensures you never miss a moment of your favorite movies, TV shows, or games.
8W Speakers with Dolby Audio: MoGo 2 Pro offers a deeply immersive and cinematic audio experience thanks to its built-in dual 8W speakers with Dolby Audio.
Smooth Android TV 11.0 and 3D Movies at Home: Decodes 4K video seamlessly and supports 3D content. Moreover, the upgraded Android TV 11.0 provides the ultimate user-friendly viewing experience.
Movies on the Go: Easily connect MoGo 2 Pro to your power bank, allowing you to move it to different rooms or take it on your next outdoor adventure.


Smart outdoor projectors provide premium entertainment in camping settings and are easy to set up as they have unique features that greatly simplify the setup. It would be best to have a portable projector with a built-in battery, a projector screen, and a portable stand for stability for an outdoor projector setup. XGIMI’s Halo+, MoGo 2 Pro, and Portable Stand are excellent choices for a simplified camping projector setup. 


Unleash the Full Potential of Projectors with ISA 2.0 Technology

Unleash the Full Potential of Projectors with ISA 2.0 Technology

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-06


XGIMI is dedicated to using the latest technology to create the perfect projectors for various purposes. Whether it’s a wireless setup or crisp and bright images, XGIMI projectors are known for excellence. The ISA 2.0 technology is another proof of their dedication to always creating highly functional products for consumers› viewing pleasure and satisfaction. Let’s see why the new intelligent screen adaptation technology is such a big deal.

Part 1: Brief Overview of Intelligent Screen Adaptation

XGIMI projectors use Intelligent Screen Adaptation (ISA) technology to save you the stress of struggling to set up your projector at a perfect angle before you can enjoy your view. The technology contains features that automate the process once you switch on your projector. These features include:

Auto Keystone Correction

The auto keystone correction feature provides a broader range of angles for fitting your projector and getting a square image. For instance, you can fit the HORIZON Pro projector at vertical or horizontal angles within +/- 40 degrees and automatically get a perfect square display. Whether viewing in a small room, large room or outdoors, you can get a suitable and satisfying fit.

Auto Focus

The Auto focus feature ensures you don’t have to readjust your projector every few minutes. It keeps your view clear and vivid during the entire duration of the display. You can relax and enjoy clear and properly aligned images whenever you decide.

Intelligent Screen Alignment

Remember how fitting a traditional projector onto your viewing screen is a hassle? Well, intelligent screen alignment takes care of that problem. It automatically projects an image that fits your screen without causing you to make repetitive adjustments. Regardless of your screen’s size, this technology will cause the images or videos to display perfectly.

Intelligent Obstacle Avoidance

The room or wall where you wish to display your projection may contain objects like paintings, plants or shelves. With the intelligent obstacle avoidance feature, you don’t have to adjust or rearrange your room to use your projector. The projector can automatically get the image around the object to provide a clear view.

Part 2: What Is the Upgrade of ISA 2.0 Technology Compared to ISA Technology?

The ISA technology has a new 2.0 version which screams highly efficient automation and speed. With the latest 3D ToF and CMOS solutions, you get autofocus, and automatic keystone correction features to work faster without any adjustments from you. Here’s why the ISA 2.0 is a massive improvement from the previous version:

1. Fully Automatic Keystone Correction

The ISA 2.0 further enhances the auto keystone correction feature. The automation is faster and requires little or no maneuvering from you. Once you place the projector towards where you want your images or videos to display, you can inspect to see a perfect square within seconds. This feature lets you fit your projector within +/- 40 degrees along the vertical or horizontal axis.

2. Seamless Autofocus

The auto focus in the ISA 2.0 improves speed and accuracy. You get your projection to fit on the screen, giving you a perfect display within seconds. Your projector sets up faster and aligns itself with screen dimensions. Once you settle down to start viewing, you won’t have to stand up to rearrange anything unless your show or game is over.

3. Intelligent Eye Protection

Your projector emits infrared light; which eyes can be sensitive to. Thanks to the ToF lens, a projector with ISA 2.0 technology has an intelligent eye protection feature to identify when someone is directly in front of the light source. It instantly reduces the light’s intensity to protect this person’s eyes. This feature is handy if you have pets and little children running around the house. You get a safe and comfortable viewing experience.

Part 3: Wide Applications of XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro with ISA 2.0 Technology

You can use a projector with ISA 2.0 technology in various settings without any fear of concern. XGIMI MoGO 2 Pro works well for the following purposes:

1. Home Entertainment

XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro is designed for you to enjoy some quality entertainment at home. You get stunning bright visuals with 400 ISO lumens and a D65 color temperature standard that meets the industry’s current trend. With highly functional built-in speakers and the ISA 2.0 technology, game and movie nights are going to another level of entertainment.

XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro boasts a compact design that doesn’t consume unnecessary space. You can easily place it in a convenient corner and tilt it towards where you’d like to display your image or videos. Due to the upgraded Android TV 11.0 and Google play store’s presence, you can access platforms like Prime Video, Disney+, YouTube and thousands of other applications, which allows you to choose from thousands of videos and maximize your time for entertainment.

This projector is perfect for you and your friends to get together and engage in a quality, fun time together. You can watch some episodes of your favorite shows, play games or have a karaoke session. Regardless of your chosen activity, XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro will give you an immersive and out-of-this-world experience.

2. Business Presentations

Investing in a quality projector is also advantageous to business settings, and XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro projector is such an environment for events like presentations. Professionals require a highly functional projector to demonstrate their points, suggestions and plans during a business presentation. The quality of the images on the viewing screen may impact the listener’s perception of the concept, product or topic being discussed.

While the presenter is to confidently discuss their points to the audience, the display on the screen should provide a clear and detailed depiction of what they are saying. For instance, if you are talking about a product or land properties, you want to provide the best visuals relevant to them to capture the attention and interest of listeners. XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro provides a bright and vibrant, colorful display. In addition, the ISA technology allows you to easily start the process with an automatic setup and display. With this projector, you can be confident that your viewers will get a clear view of the message you are trying to convey and have no doubts whatsoever.

3. Educational Purposes

Educational settings can also utilize the interesting and functional features of XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro. Teachers can use the projector to display an image or video content to pass relevant information to their students. To successfully impact knowledge to students, you first need to capture their attention. This is where XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro projector offers significant value. With the ease of setup and ISA technology, the teacher or instructor may spend less than a minute placing the projector at an appropriate angle and switching it on.

Once the projector is on and the content is displayed on the viewing screen, the teacher can focus on monitoring the students and pausing to explain when necessary. The brightness and vivid nature of the images may improve students› attentiveness and cause them to assimilate the information. Whether it’s a historical video or an image slide showing the steps for completing a task, an educational setting can benefit from a functional projector like XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro.

4. Gaming

The most exciting thing about gaming is watching detailed and colorful scenery and characters while you play your game. Its color temperature standard and 400 ISO lumens cover that requirement. XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro projector is a thoughtful and exciting product to gift a gamer. Investing in the projector for yourself is a worthwhile venture, as you’ll enjoy hours of fun while you experience the quality of an excellent projector.

XGIMI MoGo 2 pro offers high-quality sound as a portable projector. It uses dual 8W speakers that are compatible with Dolby Audio. Whether you’re watching your favorite animations or playing high graphics games, you can hear a clean sound with no distortions. You can enjoy this large gaming view alone or with friends who share a similar hobby or interest as you.

Product Recommendations

Choose portable projectors to bring entertainment everywhere.

Hollywood-Standard Visuals: With 400 ISO lumens, integrated D65 color temperature standard adopted by Hollywood, and a 90% DCI-P3 color gamut, all colors are restored in brilliant, lifelike detail.
Seamless Setup, Smart Projecting in a Snap: Our new ISA 2.0 technology ensures you never miss a moment of your favorite movies, TV shows, or games.
8W Speakers with Dolby Audio: MoGo 2 Pro offers a deeply immersive and cinematic audio experience thanks to its built-in dual 8W speakers with Dolby Audio.
Smooth Android TV 11.0 and 3D Movies at Home: Decodes 4K video seamlessly and supports 3D content. Moreover, the upgraded Android TV 11.0 provides the ultimate user-friendly viewing experience.
Movies on the Go: Easily connect MoGo 2 Pro to your power bank, allowing you to move it to different rooms or take it on your next outdoor adventure.
Cinematic Visuals for Only $399: MoGo 2's 400 ISO lumens, integrated D65 color temperature standard, and 90% DCI-P3 color gamut offer a cinematic big-screen experience with bright, colorful images.
Plug and Play: Let MoGo 2 do the work for you. With our industry-leading ISA 1.0 technology, enjoy the easiest projector setup experience.
Movies on the Go: MoGo 2 connects to your power bank and is easy to move to different rooms or during your outdoor adventures.
8W Speakers with Dolby Audio: MoGo 2's built-in dual 8W speakers with Dolby Audio provide impressive sound, helping you immerse in your favorite movies, music, and more!
Android TV 11.0, Thrilling 3D Movies at Home: MoGo 2 decodes 4K video smoothly and supports 3D content. With the upgraded Android TV 11.0, you get the ultimate user-friendly experience.


The new Intelligent Screen adaptation technology is the icing on the XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro cake. It makes the projector easy to use in various settings for different purposes. All the features and qualities it possesses alongside ISA 2.0 technology tell you that XGIMI values quality and brilliance. Consider investing in one XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro to enjoy viewing excellence from today.


Choosing The Ideal Projector Screen

Choosing The Ideal Projector Screen

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-11

A projector screen is any surface onto which a projector can cast images. The screen on which you intend to watch your projected content is a vital part of the entire setup, as it can ultimately determine the quality of your experience.

Generally, projector screens (curtains) are ideal for indoor and, mostly, outdoor projector use. Screens are also a common accompaniment of projector setups. Another common projecting surface is a wall— usually smooth plain-white surfaces.

Also, there are other do-it-yourself projector screen solutions. Some have been known to use a clean sheet as a projector screen, although the downside is that it may take longer to set up, as you would need to find a way to hang it to avoid folds, movements, and wrinkles. The bodies of vans have been used by people on outdoor camping trips, or on movie nights in the backyard. Projector paint also lets you turn most surfaces into a projector screen, and the upsides are numerous. You can apply the paint on blank surfaces, and they give an excellent viewing quality just like a projector screen. The downside is that they ultimately cost just as much to buy and take longer to set up.

Other custom projector screen options include wrapping papers, window blinds, and even a wardrobe. These options largely cost less to set up than projector screens, but the latter deliver a better viewing experience most of the time. The most common options remain a projector screen (curtain) and a plain colored wall.

Projector Screen (Curtain)

Curtains rank as the most common projecting surfaces today. They are best suited to outdoor projectors, which usually have lower brightness than home projectors, and would lose most of their display quality if projected onto a wall. Projector screens reflect color better in these circumstances (outdoor, in areas where you do not have absolute light control) and will give you better viewing quality than a wall.

Screen (Curtain) Vs. Wall— Why You Should Use A Screen

Screens have a stronger case than walls as far as ideal projecting surfaces are concerned. For starters, projector screens reflect color better than plain painted walls. You get a more detailed and lifelike color display when you project onto a screen— clearer, sharper, and more accurate. Image texture, sharpness, and detail will most likely be sacrificed if you project onto a wall instead.

Projector screen colors are of two popular varieties— plain white or gray. White screens are more common compared to their gray-colored counterparts, as they are more readily available. White is regarded as the best wall color for projectors. In enclosures where you can achieve absolute light control, i.e., where there is a single and common light source without interference, white screens perform better than gray ones. In viewing rooms or setups that are not entirely dark, gray screens boost contrast on digital projectors and absorb ambient light, which hits it better than a white screen. However, if you project on gray screens, you may experience less vivid pictures, darker whites, and even blacker blacks.

Another aspect where screens have the upper hand over walls as projecting surfaces is brightness. Projector brightness generally determines the image brightness, and home projectors are known to have brighter outputs than outdoor projectors. Yet, the quality of the projecting surface also affects the image brightness. White and gray screens, which are the most readily available for purchase, greatly reduce image brightness depreciation, compared to a wall.

Projector Screen (Curtain) Mini Buying Guide

There are a handful of important factors you need to mull over before you buy a projector screen, and each one is as important as the next if you hope to have an excellent viewing experience.

Budget: The prices of projector screens vary based on several factors like brand name, projector screen material, framework (e.g., tabletop projector screen), and screen size. Higher-priced screens tend to give better quality, yet, price does not always equate to value. Most home cinema screens cost between $400 to $4000.
Projecting Location: If you intend to use the screen with a portable projector for camping trips, you should settle for floor standing or floor-mounted screens, or retractable projector screens that can be stored easily. If the setup is meant to be indoors, ceiling-mounted projector screens or floor-standing screens are ideal.
Size: Projector screens are of different sizes, and your choice of the screen will depend on the intended activity. For small spaces like a living room or a private cinema setup, screen sizes between 100 inches to 150 inches should be ideal. If you have a larger venue and audience, bigger screen sizes (150+ inches) would give a better viewing experience.
Screen Material: Projector screens are made of different materials, some are more convenient to store than others, and they all have varying reflective capabilities. The best projector screens are made from vinyl or spandex. High-grade plastic, polyester fabric, canvas, PVC, rubber, and fiberglass are other materials used to produce projector screens.
Storage Convenience: You should also consider if the projector screen is convenient for storage. However, if you choose a curtain that can be rolled up, it may result in the formation of curls and wrinkles on the screen.

Common Types Of Projector Screens

There are two main types of projector screens available— fixed frame and retractable projector screens.

Fixed frame screens are usually mounted on the wall, and stationary. These types of projector screens are common in home theater settings. For ultra-short-throw projectors, fixed frame screens are highly recommended.
Retractable projector screens can be folded up or down like window blinds when not in use. Retractable projector screens are either ceiling mount screens, which retract upwards, or floor-mounted screens, which retract downwards.

Projector Screen Materials

Typical projector screens can be made with blackout material, plastic, or fabric. Blackout material maintains a good balance between contrast and high fidelity color. On the other hand, plastic is difficult to fatigue, especially the white ones, while the fabric material is easy to wash and maintain.

Four Steps To Choosing A Projector Screen

Determine the screen size. Consider the size of the room, the number of people that make up the audience, and the setting— larger screen sizes for larger venues.
Choose the aspect ratio— 16:9 is the standard for home theaters, while 16:10 is widescreen.
Choose the screen material.
Pick the screen type— whether ceiling-mounted, floor-mounted, or tabletop screen.

Choosing A Suitable Wall

Projecting onto walls has notable downsides. Image quality and image brightness will be adversely affected if you choose a wall over a screen, but using a wall is ultimately cheaper, easier to set up, and is a go-to option if you want to set up as quickly as possible.

Yet, not all walls are suitable for projecting onto. If a wall isn’t smooth, you will see tiny shadows here and there on the projected image. Hence, the wall you intend to use must be as smooth as possible. If you already have your home decor all done, look for the most suitable space on your walls. Plain walls should suffice, and some people also paint the wall space. Regular white paint is suitable and cost-effective. You can also use projector paint for the walls, although it is costly. Projector-painted walls reflect light more accurately and efficiently, almost as good as a standard projector screen.

It would help your line of vision and concentration if you had a frame around the painted area, separating it from the rest of the wall, something akin to borders.

Product Recommendations

This 4K ultra-short-throw laser projector delivers laser-powered UST projection. XGIMI AURA comes with 4K UHD resolution, 1800 ISO Lumens for image brightness, X-VUE 2.0 image engine, 60Hz motion compensation technology (MEMC), Harman Kardon speakers, and 20,000 hours laser lifespan. XGIMI AURA is most suitable for large room spaces as it projects a 120″ image from 11.7″ away. 

The XGIMI HORIZON Pro is a 4K long throw home projector fitted with 1500 ISO Lumens, ISA technology— for auto keystone correction, auto obstacle avoidance, autofocus, and intelligent screen alignment— 4K UHD display, 8W Harman Kardon speakers, X-VUE 2.0 image engine and MEMC technology. HORIZON Pro’s 1500 ISO Lumens brightness ensures excellent image color and less interference from ambient light.

This XGIMI 1080p portable projector is fitted with ISA technology, an FHD display, smart screen adaptation technology, 700 ISO Lumens for excellent image brightness and color, X-VUE 2.0 image engine, MEMC technology, and sound from Harman Kardon. XGIMI Halo+ is an excellent choice if you need a portable projector for camping as it is small, easy to move around, suitable for setups in small spaces, and features high ISO lumens. 


Projector screens or walls are good projecting surfaces, each with its distinct advantages and drawbacks. Standard projector screens (curtains) are ideal options, especially in outdoor setups, and generally give the best viewing experience. They can be rather expensive if you are on a low budget, and setup may take some time.

Walls come cheap, especially if you choose not to use the projector paint option. Using a wall as a projecting surface is fairly easy to set up, and takes no time at all, compared to regular projector screens. However, walls do not produce excellent projected images when compared to screens, due to their texture.

Whether you choose to use screens, walls, or DIY alternatives, the quality of your projector still has the most significant impact on the overall viewing experience. XGIMI AURA is highly recommended for short-throw projection onto walls, XGIMI HORIZON Pro is a highly recommended long-throw home projector option, while the XGIMI Halo+ is a portable projector suited for camping trips, is easy to move around, and gives a pleasant viewing experience all-round.

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XGIMI’s ‹4-Million› User Stories | Read About Our Users› Lives!

XGIMI's '4-Million' User Stories | Read About Our Users' Lives!

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-10


Family camping trips, a beautiful reminiscence of weddings past, movie marathons with friends, funny interactions with your pets, summer outdoor movie nights, morning meditation, and even immersing in nature alone. Through millions of experiences, you’ve shared so much of your life with us. And all of these moments have added much more color and vividness to XGIMI.

This year, we graced millions of users’ dreams and witnessed 4 million stories unravel. From everyone at XGIMI, we want to sincerely thank you for sharing your heartwarming moments. 

This time we talked with three of our users, and let’s see their stories! Thanks Timm, Daniel and Geoff, for allowing us to be part of your lives.

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Timm, 35 years old, Germany

Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I’m a kindergarden teacher.

Q: What is your life motto?
Set a goal and go for it. Also I’m used to get up very early and in german I’m always saying «Der Tag ist daaaaaa» welcoming the new day.

Q: What motivates you the most?
A: I like to live to the fullest extend possible. Be active. I don’t want to miss anything in life. While I do enjoy my time off, the kids at work – seeing them grow – is really great.

Q: What’s your favorite sports?
A: I like to ski, to run. I also have an indoor bike and a treadmill.

Q: What do you do with your family the most on weekend?
We do host or visit bbq in the summer. We also like to go to hotpot restaurants.

Q: Are you a traveler? You could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be?
A: I’m only traveling to ski resorts. I don’t really like sightseeing except if it’s in a fun way, like with a car called «Hot Rod». In an all-year ski resort.

Q: Which XGIMI projector would you recommend to others? and why?
Elfin for the overall package, Halo+ for additional battery and sound.

Q: Why do you choose XGIMI and how is your user experience?
A: While I started out with the Halo, I grew to love XGIMI and we even replaced our main TV. Since October/November last year, we use it every day. For a projector to replace a TV; its important that you have confident in its capabilities, because it’s a bit of an investment: you end up having a cinema-like living room. Many people struggle to operate a projector, because they are still very rare in Germany and kids in school are being advised to take even more care if a projector is around. In the meantime, you can use an XGIMI projector the same way as you can use any other smart TV. In the past few years, XGIMI projectors helped create great memories. Part of that is the all-in-one-system mentality, with included battery, speaker or a great image.

Geoff, 35 years old, Sussex, UK

Q: What’s your hobby?
A: I’ve been enjoying photography for the last five years or so, mainly thanks to instagram.

Q: How much do you enjoy the current routine?
I consider myself very lucky, I have a job I like that lets me work from home, and a nice house with a forgiving wife. I would like a better work life balance in the future, but all in all I’m doing well.

Q: Which moment in your life would you most like to relive?
A trip to Iceland about four years ago where I proposed to my partner under the northern lights.

Q: What is the movie that everyone should watch?
A: Oh, such a tough question! 12 Angry Men is a classic, and I think teaches us an important lesson in unpacking our personal prejudice before passing judgment. A valuable lesson for many aspects of life.

Q: What do you do with family the most on weekend?
Currently me and my partner are planning our wedding which is looming ever closer.

Q: Which XGIMI projector would you recommend to others? and why?
Thanks to Halo’s flexibility. We watch it on the ceiling of our bedroom every night and it takes up very little space at the bottom of the bed. I also use it in the van when travelling mounted on the roof as a mini cinema, and we use it as an outdoor cinema in the garden and when camping. It’s astonishingly good for it’s size, especially considering that there’s a built in battery in there too.

Q: Why do you choose XGIMI and how is your user experience?
A: I chose XGIMI after googling “best battery-powered projector”. Halo came up and had by far the most impressive technical specifications of all the models I had seen, as well as a much nicer design. I’ve had the pleasure of working with the XGIMI team and their technical support staff and they’ve always been helpful, courteous, and most of all patient. I’ve often found dealing with large tech companies based overseas can end in poor after-sales support, but I’m happy to say with XGIMI this couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Daniel, 37 years old, Blaine, WA

Q: What do you do for living?
Creative Director.

Q: What motivates you the most?
A: Hearing and sharing people’s stories.

Q: What is your life motto?
A: Everyone has a story, everyone is an expert at something and I love capturing and sharing people’s stories.

Q: What’s your hobby?

Q: What have you been doing recently?
A: Healing and spending time traveling and catching up with friends. Capturing life stories on video. I call them legacy videos and they capture someone’s life story and then get to share it with future generations. I then use a projector to gather the family together and they all get to hear the family story. I have been so blessed to see the impact and healing it can have.

Q: Which XGIMI projector would you recommend to others? and why?
A: I have only used the XGIMI Elfin and love it and have had several friends buy it because of me which is fun to see. I love it because of the color, sound, and how vivid the picture is. 

Q: Why do you choose XGIMI and how is your user experience?
XGIMI is my favorite projector brand. I found out about XGIMI from a friend. My first projector of theirs was the Elfin. I love the classy look, the OS has been outstanding, the color is incredible and loves the 60Hz picture which is rare from what I have discovered for a projector of this size the audio is really impressive, thanks to their partnership with harman/kardon. I use projectors on a daily basis for my work. I work in video production and use it to show my work to clients and friends every day and this has saved me more time than I can count. I have had the biggest blessing in being able to see families and friends grow and heal, laugh and love, and connect through the power of video and through the auto keystone and focus has allowed me to turn many surfaces into a screen. Every interaction I have had with XGIMI has been friendly, fun, and exceptional. This reason alone, plus all the incredible projector options is what keeps me coming back.



XGIMI Horizon Pro (4K Home Projector)产品推荐,需要插入产品链接

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XGIMI AURA (4K Laser Projector)

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XGIMI Elfin (1080p home projector)

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Home theater installation is definitely not complete without a smart projector, streaming sources, home theater furniture, and an external sound system. Smart projectors make home theater setup easy and more enjoyable as they provide clear displays, built-in speakers, large screens, and multiple ports. XGIMI projectors like HORIZON Pro, AURA, and HORIZON make a home theater installation better and more enjoyable. 


How X-VUE 2.0 Provides Unparalleled Visual Clarity

How X-VUE 2.0 Provides Unparalleled Visual Clarity

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-11

Simply put, XGIMI’s X-VUE 2.0 image engine is the power behind its phenomenal color and visual clarity. This incredible technology helps keep all dynamic content incredibly clear and smooth while delivering lifelike colors that seem to jump off the screen. In this article, you’ll learn all about X-VUE 2.0 and why it is necessary to achieve the ultimate viewing experience.

What is X-VUE?

X-VUE image quality engine is a big-screen picture quality processing expert. The X-VUE image quality engine technology was developed for 5 years and includes 3 systems and 11 technologies that can enhance the image effect from clarity, color, and noise reduction to provide users with an immersive image quality experience.

Enhanced clarity

Every image is clear and smooth. The X-VUE engine improves the smoothness of dynamic images, enhances picture details, and improves picture layering.

The enhanced clarity function can optimize entire images with specific algorithms to bring out more details. The veins of the leaves, the texture on the wings of dragonflies, and even a single strand of hair can be clearly shown after optimization. In our sample comparison, we found that the projector with X-VUE image quality engine showed more details of pet hair, even in the background of relatively complex scenes.

Besides, the enhanced clarity function, which provides targeted optimization of large-screen picture quality, makes the picture smoother, more layered, and more detailed.

In high-speed motion pictures, picture jitter and trailing have greatly impacts the immersive movie-watching experience. The clarity enhancement system can calculate the screen change between two frames, automatically generate intermediate frames, and fill the screen gap in the motion state by interpolating frames. This solves jitter and trailing issues for high dynamic images and significantly improves the smoothness and clarity of images in motion. 

Revivification (True Color Restoration)

Restores true-to-life imagery by unifying the color temperature standard, optimizing different colors for different objects, and correcting the skin color of faces.

To please the user’s eye, the major projector brands have their own color-tuning tendencies. However, color separation and realistic restoration is still in the same general direction. However, there are subtle differences in color performance due to different batches of optical machines, such as the yellow, green, and violet-like colors of the optical machine itself, which can be off. The X-VUE picture quality engine, on the other hand, allows the picture to be colorful and layered without distortion.

At the same time, it identifies different objects in the picture through intelligent algorithms and optimizes and enhances the colors of different objects in the picture independently. The revivification function can identify different colors such as red tomatoes, green vegetables, and orange pumpkins. Although the three objects have different color performances, the X-VUE picture quality engine can make different color tones for these three different objects. Thus, the color of each object is closer to the actual color while not affecting the color of other objects. 

Not only that, but X-VUE can also make targeted adjustments to the skin tones of people in the picture. With the X-VUE image quality engine, the people in the picture are clearly getting more details. There is no overexposure in the brighter areas of the image, and it is well layered and rich in detail.

Ultra de-noise (Exceptional Noise Reduction)

A clearer picture. Improves picture clarity, text sharpness, and image smoothness.

Finally, noise can be a topic that all display devices cannot avoid. And as the size of the projected image increases exponentially, noise is more noticeable to the viewer. The X-VUE image quality engine technology combines a number of noise reduction technologies to provide different noise reduction algorithms for different screens, intelligently suppressing the noise in the screen while retaining much of the picture detail.

And when we watch the original imported movie, the noise around the subtitles is very easy to produce. The addition of a huge screen in the projection, often more easily noticed by the viewer, looks like a heavy shadow general. The pure noise reduction can be processed by the unique noise reduction technology specifically for this kind of noise, so that the subtitles in the film display more clear and three-dimensional. 


With X-VUE 2.0, you get a significant boost in clarity and color detail, leaving your display ultra-clear and filled with lifelike visuals. Undoubtedly, this is captivating enough to immerse you in your favorite entertainment content with ease. Do yourself a favor, and experience movies and TV shows the way the creators envisioned.

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Why MEMC Technology Is A Must-Have For Your Projector?

Why MEMC Technology Is A Must-Have For Your Projector?

By XGIMI Tech – 2023-11

Motion Estimation, Motion Compensation, or MEMC technology has been widely used in TVs and projectors for some time now. Popular XGIMI models like, Halo+, the Horizon Series, and Elfin feature 60Hz motion compensation, which helps deliver a display with incredibly low image blur, ensuring you won’t miss a moment of your action movie or sports game.

In this article, you will learn all about MEMC technology, how it works, and why you need it for your projector.

What Is MEMC?

MEMC is a must. Using smaller screens via smartphones, iPads, or TVs to catch up on dramas, it was difficult to notice the frame-dragging that occurred when images at 24fps shift rapidly. However, with a projection of up to 100 inches, the shaky blur experienced in films such as Fast and Furious can easily be seen as cars speed by. This is why, with any home projector, MEMC motion compensation should be standard. Thanks to intelligent frame insertion, any content playing at a high frame rate of 24fps will do so smoothly, thus ensuring a better viewing experience.

Why Do We Need MEMC Motion Compensation?

MEMC motion compensation is one of the most advanced display enhancement features for the naked eye. So why do we need it? There are two main reasons.

1) Makes videos smoother
In life, one sees continuous and uninterrupted object movement. However, in videos, only 24 frames display per second or 24 instants, as we often say, leaving the rest of the movement unknown. When watching a movie and the object movement is fast onscreen, we sometimes realize that the image is not smooth. MEMC motion compensation improves the video frame rate and retrieves that «unknown» object movement that would otherwise lead to image blur.

2) Makes videos clearer
Current TVs are still dominated by LCD screens. Those LCD screens have long holding times and slow response speed, which leads to distortion and deviation when the picture changes quickly. When inputting and outputting, objects with more details on the surface of the picture will appear blurry as a whole, while objects with a flat surface will have delayed motion edges. MEMC motion compensation can increase the sampling rate of the raw data, shortening the duration of each frame on the human visual system, thus reducing the drag.

What Are The Main Differences Between The Various MEMC Motion Compensations?

The MEMC motion compensation function has long been available for TVs. For some unknown reason, the technology disappeared from Chinese TVs for a while. However with, smartphone giants like Huawei and OnePlus releasing their TV products, the MEMC motion compensation function has reappeared. Still, the efficiency of this smart feature varies from TV to TV. So let’s discuss the components of MEMC motion compensation.

1) Frame Latency
MEMC processing requires multiple frames of information and therefore has a specific latency. Although this millisecond of difference is not noticeable when watching movies, that is not the case when playing video games. Inserting frames makes the video game picture smoother, but with high latency rates, the image will always be half a beat slower, which greatly reduces user engagement and satisfaction.

The XGIMI’s MEMC motion compensation is specifically designed to heighten the gaming experience. With an optional Game Mode, users receive a better balance between the smoothness of the picture and the frame delay.

2) Object motion range
The onscreen object motion is supported by varying MEMCs ranges. Only object motion that is within the supported range can be detected. Calculation errors will occur if object motion is out of range, which ultimately leads to issues such as missing details or ghosting. (Ghosting occurs when an image artifact appears as a trail of pixels behind a moving object, almost like a motion blur that looks like a ghost.)

3) Static screen protection
When we watch TV content, there are often static logos such as station or commercial logos. Inefficient or outdated versions of MEMC technology will misjudge them, causing issues such as ghosting. However, most MEMC technology on the market today does an excellent job of detecting and displaying such logos, reducing the potential of these issues occurring.

4) MEMC accuracy
MEMC technology cannot estimate the motion of infinitely small objects, so its accuracy varies. The higher the accuracy, the smaller the objects detected, and the more accurate the motion compensation will be. MEMC accuracy is an issue that some suppliers ignore when they integrate the technology into their products. XGIMI realized this problem early on. Consequently, we created a Football Mode, which allows our MEMC to interpolate frames more accurately and reduces frame errors when watching sports with smaller objects within the image.

5) Calculation accuracy
MEMC predicts the picture between two frames and inserts the estimated frame to improve the video frame rate and make the image smoother. The operation seems quite simple, but video content is complex and changeable, complicating picture prediction. Consequently, the MEMC calculation accuracy varies from company to company.

Calculating MEMC motion compensation is difficult. Changes in brightness and picture, the complex motion scenes, periodic object movement, object motion at the edge of the screen, and more all affect the accuracy of MEMC calculation.

For example, the change from low frame speed to high frame speed alters the Cadence format of the original signal. Motion compensation must accurately detect the Cadence of the original signal to calculate it quickly and accurately.

For the XGIMI H3, we introduce MOTION TURBO, which detects complex scene changes faster through a new algorithm, allowing the MEMC technology to intervene and calculate faster. This significantly improves the MEMC accuracy.


A 60Hz motion compensation technology (MEMC) is essential to ensuring all fast-paced content is delivered with super-low image blur and latency rates. XGIMI has made it a habit to integrate this technology into most of our models, including Halo+, the Horizon Series, and Elfin. For those who love action movies, sports, or high-graphic videos, strong MEMC technology is a must for incredibly sharp and clear imagery, even in the heat of the action.

You can also learn more about XGIMI’s technology:  ISA technology,X-VUE 2.0 image engine.

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